

I have been through so many Computers/LapTops, Plus last Summer Stephen wwas Suffering from something very destructive to His Muscles and all due to His mother's innability to properly care for her place and thus, Him. He was suffering from Iron deffiency brought on by Bedbugs. They were Feasting on Him and leaving their Bacteria in Him afterwards, which also attacked His muscles. It was very difficult for Him. I had to Force Him to function. His back was suffering drastically throught the whole ~6 Month episode. I ended up getting Him on Antibiotic, RX Pain Reliever and Eating High in Iron foods. All of which turned the tide for Him and He recovered fully.

This whole event has strained us to no ends. 'her-indoors' left just over a year ago, and she Stole a lot of Hobby/Art stuff, My MtDew T-Shirt and who knows what else. It's been somewhat peaceful here. Besides the recent shootings within this complex which many were arrested and scentenced to some prison time. The Management here finally got rid of all of the 'Trouble-Makers' who were also connected to a couple of the Gang-Members/Shooters. Getting some Respective neighbors is a very difficult thing to do.

This Dad had a Colonoscopy yesterday, but the day before I had to take the Liquid Bowel cleaner which really worked...too well. I had only a Polyup that the Physician removed. Monday, I have to drive to Jackson for a Doctor's appointment for My feet.