Ideal ASD Community:

Something being tossed around in the ASD Community; To 'Isolate' (to a degree) a community of Parents with Children on the Spectrum and for those who are Adults on the Spectrum.
Well, it is going to be a 'COMMUNITY' where everyone contributes and everyone benefits.
There shall be 3 People at the Head of the 'Community' at all times. Everyone (Responsible enough) will get to be one of the 3 and it should be on a Quarterly rotation. The ones to succeed will first act as Secondarys for the first 3, and so-on and so-forth.
The 'Community' shall have at least 3 ABA personnel, and 3 of each other profession for the ASD Individuals to Ensure that each ASD Person receives what they need.
Everyone (Capable) will have duties to perform; I.E.=Cooking, Kitchen Cleanup, Yard-work, Maintenance, etc... and those duties are to rotate so everyone becomes familiar with them.