About Me

Stephen A. Kellogg

20yo 'Young-Adult'

Diagnosed as Severly Cognitively Impaired (SCI) with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Non-Verbal. 

My Dad has 'Plenary' Custody over My person.

I know that Both of My parents love Me, but My Dad is the only one that knows what I need and has handled all of My medical needs for the last 7 years.

I have experienced several 'let-downs' in My younger life by My mother and by others that were supposed to 'Care' for Me while My Dad was working. Those will be explained by My dad in their proper chronological areas. 

Select Year/Event List for events ---->>>

My Dad understands 'My Language', which is very ecltic. I use 'Signing' in My own ways. My Dad taught My teachers and the Staff in My Language, but it will take them a while to fully understand.


History of project

There was once a previous project, but My Dad could not do anything for 6 months due to his responsibilities paying the high utility rates and keeping food on the table, and the rules for this company is that if the site is not maintained it will be terminated. Without a computer, the site could not be maintained.

Our users

"Our Users" are people that want to understand who I am (Stephen) and what makes Me Tick. My Dad is the one who has created and maintains this site.